Thursday, 25 August 2016


 Well i've already spoken myself about the extreme rarity of current end stage Anima Relics in the wild and i am not alone. It finally looks like SE themselves have decided to put out a fix to this and given by the extreme nerfs to the gathering stage requiring Unidentified maguffins it looks like the numbers on their end for finished Relics must have been very low indeed. Heres the fixes coming in 3.38 straight from the Lodestone:

Unidentifiable Bone and Unidentifiable Shell can now also be purchased in exchange for Allagan tomestones of esoterics or Allagan tomestones of law.
Unidentifiable Ore and Unidentifiable Seeds can now also be purchased in exchange for Allagan tomestones of poetics.
The number of tomestones required to purchase the following items has been adjusted:

ItemBefore After
Unidentifiable Bone680 Allagan tomestones of poetics300 Allagan tomestones of poetics
Unidentifiable Shell680 Allagan tomestones of poetics300 Allagan tomestones of poetics
Unidentifiable Ore680 Allagan tomestones of law300 Allagan tomestones of law
680 Allagan tomestones of esoterics300 Allagan tomestones of esoterics
Unidentifiable Seeds680 Allagan tomestones of law300 Allagan tomestones of law
680 Allagan tomestones of esoterics300 Allagan tomestones of esoterics

The number of Allied Seals required to purchase Unidentifiable Bone and Unidentifiable Seeds has been reduced from 1,000 to 300.
The number of items required to exchange for the following items has been adjusted:

ItemItem RequiredBefore After
Unidentifiable BonePrecision Gordian Bolt103
Unidentifiable ShellPrecision Gordian Lens103
Unidentifiable OrePrecision Gordian Spring103
Unidentifiable SeedsPrecision Gordian Shaft103

The number of items required in exchange for Unidentifiable Bone, Unidentifiable Shell, Unidentifiable Ore, and Unidentifiable Seeds from beast tribe vendors has been adjusted as follows:

Beast TribeBefore After
Amalj'aaSteel Amalj'ok x13Steel Amalj'ok x3
KoboldTitan Cobaltpiece x13Titan Cobaltpiece x3
SahaginRainbowtide Psashp x13Rainbowtide Psashp x3
SylphSylphic Goldleaf x13Sylphic Goldleaf x3
Vanu VanuVanu Whitebone x18Vanu Whitebone x6
GnathBlack Copper Gil x18Black Copper Gil x6

The following items can now be purchased in exchange for Grand Company seals:

ItemTypeRequired SealsRank
Adamantite FrancescaMiscellany5,000Second Storm Lieutenant
Titanium Alloy MirrorMetal5,000Second Storm Lieutenant
Dispelling ArrowMiscellany5,000Second Storm Lieutenant
KingcakeMeal5,000Second Storm Lieutenant

Order of the Twin Adder
ItemTypeRequired SealsRank
Adamantite FrancescaMiscellany5,000Second Serpent Lieutenant
Titanium Alloy MirrorMetal5,000Second Serpent Lieutenant
Dispelling ArrowMiscellany5,000Second Serpent Lieutenant
KingcakeMeal5,000Second Serpent Lieutenant

Immortal Flames
ItemTypeRequired SealsRank
Adamantite FrancescaMiscellany5,000Second Flame Lieutenant
Titanium Alloy MirrorMetal5,000Second Flame Lieutenant
Dispelling ArrowMiscellany5,000Second Flame Lieutenant
KingcakeMeal5,000Second Flame Lieutenant

The number of items required in exchange for the following items has been adjusted:

ItemBefore After
Enchanted RubberUnidentifiable Bone x20
Adamantite Francesca HQ x4
Unidentifiable Bone x10
Adamantite Francesca 
Fast-drying CarboncoatUnidentifiable Shell x20
Titanium Alloy Mirror HQ x4
Unidentifiable Shell x10
Titanium Alloy Mirror
Divine WaterUnidentifiable Ore x20
Dispelling Arrow HQ x4
Unidentifiable Ore x10
Dispelling Arrow
Fast-acting Allagan CatalystUnidentifiable Seeds x20
Kingcake HQ x4
Unidentifiable Seeds x10

 So yeah. Dang. All of a sudden making us grind all those fates for Youkai Legendary Medals seems a lot more welcome when you realise 10 days of ARR dailies and 80k seals will get you a once major pain in the ass grind in just over a week of extremely casual play. So my advice is start on the ARR beast tribes now and check your normal quality Kingcake equivalents before they skyrocket in price on patch day. Though naturally they will become worthless a fortnight later with undercutting being the name of the game but if you want that step done easy on multiple relics it doesnt hurt to prepare.

Personally i'm like 2 unidentified's away from my DRK relic clearing this stage, i guess this just means my DRK and BRD Relics will be completed on the same day. It still leaves the umbrite stage and its massive eso grind to complete it but if you want a unique model and dont want to farm the also nerfed Alexander weapons now this is a ridiculously easy way to get dat purple weapon slot filled.
 To be honest it almost seems like too much of a nerf, but considering Yoshi has just been talking about 4.0 being "ahead of schedule" this really cements the "we are about to start the final third of Heavensward and begin the final act of the expansion" feeling thats been building lately. This is a catch up to ensure this expansion doesnt remain "The one nobody got a relic outside the JP servers in" and i imagine we will see a LOT of Deep Dungeon weapons getting a new glamour after this and at least a minor decrease in que times as more players get on the Umbrite train to boot.

All in all the weapons for this step are kind of outdated by now, but its getting players up to the current step in days rather than over a month of none stop work per job, which hopefully gives people something to do in a pretty quiet period for the expansion with 3.4 estimated to be dropping the last week of next month at its earliest. Folks are bored and a legendary weapon becoming easier to get might just be the thing to pad up numbers again in a time when they are in their typical summer time low.

Hopefully the experience taught the team a lesson in how giant tomestone farms are a huge put off for their western audiences, i got mine because i am a crazy person. The majority however simply did not bother and content not bothered with is content wasted in my opinion.

Maybe they can look back to the Trial of the Zodiac Braves and new systems like the Hunt or Deep Dungeon to revitalise the Relic system in its next and possibly final installment for Heavensward?

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